When I first read the description of Take it Back by Kia Abdullah, I was on the fence because it seemed like it could be heavy-handed, but I was wrong. I jumped at the chance to join the blog tour for this book, and I'm glad I did.
Take it Back is set in London, and centers around a gifted, driven attorney named Zara. Living independently as a single Muslim woman from a traditional family, dating a white man, and working as an advocate for rape victims, Zara is being pulled in many directions and is on the verge of imploding from all the pressure. Things get even more complicated for Zara when her latest client turns out to be a white teenager who tells Zara she was raped by four Muslim classmates at a party, forcing Zara to choose between her community and her passion for justice.
I really enjoyed this book and thought Zara was a strong and inspiring character. It was realistic and thought-provoking around themes of family, culture, ambition, power, and self-confidence, and the ending was amazing.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
The Loop by Jeremy Robert Johnson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After witnessing a fellow student die a mysterious death in the middle of class, Lucy decides to go to a party in some caves hosted by the local rich kids. Soon after, she finds herself facing her town's apocalypse with a band of misfits while trying to process what exactly is happening and why.
The Loop is action-packed, well-written, and, as long as you have a sick and twisted sense of humor, absolutely hilarious. I loved Lucy and the fact that while she is a total badass, she also has emotions.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy.
Monday, October 26, 2020
White Ivy by Susie Yang

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I went into White Ivy, I was expecting a very dark Talented Mr. Ripley situation. Ivy was born in China and felt like her family was second-class compared to those of her private school classmates. When she reconnects with one of those classmates, she seizes the opportunity to gain access to his world, but eschews her own past and family in the process. While this didn't exactly turn out to be the twisted thriller I thought and was a little uneven at times, I really enjoyed Ivy's story and the exploration of what a marriage and family means, and what is worth sacrificing to get it.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Which Fall Book Should You Read Quiz
Take my quiz to get a fall book recommendation based on your favorite fall nail polish!
(To see the pictures bigger, open in this link: https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q62EAFFSL)
Choose a Fall Nail Color, Get a Fall Read
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Typically when I read fantasy books, I'll go into them all gung-ho and then end up abandoning them about halfway through because they've turned totally repetitive, simplistic, or the world-building is just not good.
Rebecca Roanhorse has broken that streak for me with Black Sun, the first in a series set in the Meridian, a culture that is built from ancient South American civilization and mythology.
From the very beginning, we are thrust into nonstop action told from multiple points of view that are all engrossing and overlap around preparations for an upcoming eclipse. There is a sun priest who does not have the typical noble background and is thus constantly questioned and threatened but just wants peace, a mysterious man on a long journey who has been subjected to painful training and rituals for some unknown end, and a free-wheeling, magical ship captain who is sprung out of jail by a lord because she may be the only one with the expertise to get his cargo where it needs to be on time.
The ending tied everything together but left me on the edge of my seat for the next book.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
My October-November TBR List
Okay. I'm bordering on that frenzied state where I'm so excited that there are so many books I want to read, but also terrified that I will never finish them all before the next batch of amazing books come. So, I'm putting my list out into the world to ease some of my anxiety. Are any of these also on your TBR?
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse - Oct. 13, 2020
This comes out today and I'm only about halfway through, but I totally recommend this engrossing fantasy that's the start of a series! I read Marie Lu's Skyhunter right before this, and I loved the characters but felt like the plot was a little simplistic. Black Sun is similar in some ways, with several outcast or lower-rank characters fighting for a place in a society that was not built for them, but is more complex and does a great job building the culture of the Meridian.
The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop by Fannie Flagg - Oct. 27, 2020
When I picked up The All Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion, I couldn't even believe myself. Dark and moody me reading something so adorable, joyful, and probably corny? I loved it and my smile was glued to my face. Thus, I will be reading this one to lift my spirits from this time we call 2020.
White Ivy by Susie Yang - Nov. 3rd, 2020
Some sort of Talented Mr. Ripley situation between a young woman and her college classmate, I've been hearing about this everywhere and can't wait to read it.
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse - Oct. 13, 2020
This comes out today and I'm only about halfway through, but I totally recommend this engrossing fantasy that's the start of a series! I read Marie Lu's Skyhunter right before this, and I loved the characters but felt like the plot was a little simplistic. Black Sun is similar in some ways, with several outcast or lower-rank characters fighting for a place in a society that was not built for them, but is more complex and does a great job building the culture of the Meridian.
The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop by Fannie Flagg - Oct. 27, 2020
When I picked up The All Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion, I couldn't even believe myself. Dark and moody me reading something so adorable, joyful, and probably corny? I loved it and my smile was glued to my face. Thus, I will be reading this one to lift my spirits from this time we call 2020.
White Ivy by Susie Yang - Nov. 3rd, 2020
Some sort of Talented Mr. Ripley situation between a young woman and her college classmate, I've been hearing about this everywhere and can't wait to read it.
Friday, September 4, 2020
The Choice by Gillian McAllister

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What makes someone good, or a "proper person?" Are you allowed to love yourself if you've done something bad? Who would stick by you if they knew what you were capable of?
I was totally surprised by how much I loved this book. The reveal/conceal concept could've been corny, but it was great. Right up there with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Run Lola Run, Slumdog Millionaire, and other meditations on fate and decisions.
JoAnna beats herself up for "only being" a librarian after graduating from Oxford, and never really following through with anything or owning her decisions. This all comes to a head as she accidentally commits a crime and can't decide what to do about it. The chapters split to compare the outcomes depending on what decision she makes.
This book is so much more than a typical thriller! I was on the edge of my seat as JoAnna became more and more paranoid, and was enthralled by the narrative of her relationships with her husband, friend Laura, coworker Ed, and brother, and how they're affected by what she decides to do on either path. I was in tears at many parts, especially the conceal chapters.
Thank you to the publisher for a review copy.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Rory Power has done it again with Burn our Bodies Down, another captivating and unputdownable read about a teen girl trying to unravel the truth of her reality and take control of her life. Margot has lived a sheltered and tense life with her distant mother without so much as a mention of a father or any other family. So when she finds a lead on possible relatives and information about where she came from, she jumps on the chance to pursue it, but never could have imagined the sinister secrets that wait for her.
Margot is a brave character, and Power does a great job portraying the pain and confusion of a teenage girl who doesn't know who to trust and has never been able to break down her mother's walls to feel loved. Her grandmother is absolutely terrifying.
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Ordinary Girls by Jaquira Diaz
Ordinary Girls is a memoir by Jaquira Diaz that spans a wide range, beginning with her childhood in Puerto Rico and her family's move to Miami. Sadly, like so many ordinary girls, Jaquira experienced chronic instability, a culture that views women as sexual objects yet not beautiful unless they have the "right" skin tone or the "right" hair, and a family that was just not there for her in any way and even allowed her to be abused, but she never gave up on herself. Jaquira has such a strong voice that despite having a somewhat scattered structure and style, this was an enjoyable and powerful memoir. I read Educated around the same time and was struck by the fortitude of these two young women who were so drawn to books in chaotic environments and were able to carve a path for themselves while showing such empathy for their toxic parents and their younger selves.
I was torn on my 3 star rating because I really love Jaquira's intelligence, vulnerability, and even humor, but just didn't love the nonlinear structure of this book and wasn't able to get fully immersed.
Thank you to the publisher for inviting me to be part of the blog tour for this book. The paperback comes out today, June 16, 2020.
I was torn on my 3 star rating because I really love Jaquira's intelligence, vulnerability, and even humor, but just didn't love the nonlinear structure of this book and wasn't able to get fully immersed.
Thank you to the publisher for inviting me to be part of the blog tour for this book. The paperback comes out today, June 16, 2020.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kuwai Strong Washburn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am torn between 4 and 5 stars, but would definitely recommend the magical Sharks in the Time of Saviors. Imbued with Hawaiian culture and mythology, this family saga is told through the viewpoints of three siblings, Dean, Kaui, and Noa, who are each fighting against their past and each other to figure out their place in the world. It was very sad at times, but the characters were great, and its theme of being inextricably tied to your family, your home, and all the things that make you was ultimately hopeful and beautiful.
Read-alike recommendation: Lights All Night Long by Lydia Fitzpatrick
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.
View all my reviews
Friday, March 27, 2020
Take Me Apart by Sara Sligar

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Take Me Apart follows Kate, a journalist who has left her job after a traumatic event, as she embarks on a new job as an archivist. She goes to live with her somewhat overbearing aunt, working on an archival project for the mysterious son of a reclusive local artist Miranda, who died by suicide years earlier. As Kate starts to hear rumors about the family, and she grows closer to the son, she wonders if something more sinister may have happened, and begins to read Miranda's diary in secret.
While the thriller aspect never really landed, and Kate's narrative was weaker than Miranda's, this was still a satisfying novel about the price of creating meaningful art, and the treatment of women with mental illness.
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Why Fish Don't Exist by Lulu Miller

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As she's starting to lose the will to live, the author discovers an anecdote about this scientist's fish collection getting destroyed in an earthquake, but he remains undeterred. She sets out to figure out how he's so resilient, and starts researching his life to find clues she can apply in the face of this chaotic world where nothing is permanent.
For such dark subject matter, the tone was oddly light. But maybe that is part of the author's message, that trying to find order in this world is hilarious, as is (view spoiler)[the fact that this David Starr Jordan guy turned out to be far from admirable. (hide spoiler)]
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy. This is scheduled to be released in April.
View all my reviews
Monday, March 2, 2020
Yellow Bird by Sierra Crane Murdoch

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While ostensibly a true crime story about the murder of an oil worker, Yellow Bird is much broader than that. The story centers on Lissa Yellow Bird, who has lived about 50 lives during her time on earth, and is someone that doesn't give up once she's focused on something. I love her. She starts her own investigation into a local missing oil worker, to the chagrin of pretty much everyone, including her own family who hasn't totally forgiven her for her rough past. A lot of the book focuses on Lissa's family and the generational trauma they have endured as tribal members.
Some readers might be disappointed that this is really not a fast-paced murder mystery, but I welcomed the chance to learn about the often horrifying history of Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota and the effect that government policies and shady oil deals have had on American Indians.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy.
View all my reviews
Saturday, February 15, 2020
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was onto every play, I just wanted you. -Fiona Apple, who is aptly referenced many times in My Dark Vanessa
Spectacular. This staggering debut charts the devastating sexual abuse of Vanessa Wye, 15, by her teacher, the captivating 40-something Jacob Strane. I can't imagine the psychic excavation that went into writing this book. The nuances of Vanessa's actions and interactions, Strane's subtle gaslighting and calculating pursuit, and the painful breakdown of Vanessa's sense of self are brilliantly and bravely written.
Click here to purchase My Dark Vanessa from your local indie bookstore. (affiliate link)
Thank you to the publisher for providing a review copy in exchange for my honest review.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Little Secrets centers around Marin, who is a shell of herself since her son was kidnapped a little over a year ago. Her days are filled with attending a missing child support group, trying to run her chain of salons, and barely speaking to her husband. She doesn't want to move on, but all leads on the kidnapping have gone cold, until one day she finds out her husband is having an affair, and Marin's going to do something about it.
This was a unique thriller because I didn't really know the direction it was going, and it was exciting and fun while still being realistic.
Thank you to the publisher for providing a review copy in exchange for my honest review.
This book will be released on April 21, 2020.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book.

Tigers, Not Daughters, tells the story of the four Torres sisters, one of whom is a ghost. They dream of running away, but are pulled back by their emotionally broken and derelict father, among other things. (Trigger warning: physical and emotional abuse.)
What starts off as a story of tragic sisters with strong Virgin Suicides vibes quickly develops into an ode to sisterhood, standing up for yourself, and being strong when no one else will.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy.
Click here to purchase Tigers, Not Daughters from your local indie bookstore.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Saint X by Alexis Schaitkin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I went into Saint X expecting a beautifully dark Dateline episode, and Alexis Schaitkin handily upended that expectation. What starts as an all too familiar story of a teen girl going missing on vacation soon turns very deep, exploring themes of colonialism, grief, and beauty itself. Impressive debut.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy.
Click here to purchase Saint X from your local indie bookstore.
View all my reviews
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Read This, Not That in January/February 2020
Sometimes, I'm struck by the similarities in a pair of books that are released around the same time. That recently happened to me with Follow Me to Ground by Sue Rainsford, and The Bear by Andrew Krivak. They're both stories about isolated father-daughter pairs, and both have dreamlike and magical qualities. They're set in worlds that are both familiar and foreign.
The writing in both is great, but I was struck by the creepy undercurrent throughout Follow Me to Ground, while The Bear was a bit too pleasant and boring.
Are either or both of these on your TBR list, and which would you choose? Follow Me to Ground was released in January, and The Bear will be released in February. You can purchase them both using the affiliate links below:
The writing in both is great, but I was struck by the creepy undercurrent throughout Follow Me to Ground, while The Bear was a bit too pleasant and boring.
Are either or both of these on your TBR list, and which would you choose? Follow Me to Ground was released in January, and The Bear will be released in February. You can purchase them both using the affiliate links below:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Behind Every Lie by Christina McDonald

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Behind Every Lie opens with Eva waking up in the hospital after being struck by lightning., but that's not all. Her mother, with whom she has a strained relationship, was murdered that same night, and it appears Eva was there. But Eva can't remember, because she has amnesia, which she also has for all other events significant to the plot of this book. That's because, as we're reminded what seems like every few paragraphs, Eva is broken.
This lacked a strong voice and I was annoyed by the constant overuse of adjectives and images such as "night was an obsidian fist squeezing me in its grasp" that seemed wedged in to try to float the flimsy story.
The author did a great job with the structure, which alternates between past and present, and between mother and daughter, and I enjoyed the overall theme of resilience and the lengths family will go to protect you.
Thanks to the publisher for a review copy.
View all my reviews
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