This is a big WARNING against looking for jobs on Craigslist. These times are depressing enough if you don't have a job. Imagine browsing through Craiglist on a whim, hoping to get lucky. Suddenly you read the perfect ad- they are looking for an administrative assistant in your field in your town paying $15/hr right away! You get to typing up the perfect cover letter and feel like you are about to get that interview call seconds after you click send....... And in a sudden turn of events, the automated response comes. It tells you that they are trying to set up an interview but need you to complete your application on a website. Now, this website told you that the job was in Newark, NJ, was part time and paid $15/hr. You also just sent your resume to the e-mail address listed on Craigslist. Why then, does this website ask you to fill out your name, address, employer information, desired salary and desired schedule (part time or full)??? Wasn't this already done?? Well, it turns out that one company, Career Network, posts phony ads all over the country. They post many different jobs with many different email addresses to respond to. They seem very real, but they all have the same type of automated response. Some will even say they tried calling you but could not reach you 4 seconds after you e-mailed them. Do not respond to these ads! This company sells your information and you will receive nonstop emails and calls if you do!!
In addition to the national job scams, we of course have the local scams. This guy in Montclair NJ ought to be ashamed of himself. For months on end, he has been posting ads repeatedly and in all sections of Craigslist advertising for bartender openings at his bar in Montclair. He says he prefers to train his own staff. SO- When you call, this guy asks how many years of experience you have. We have tested him out many times and if you say none, he will call you back because he is operating a sketchy bartending school on the low. Michael called and said he had six years experience and the guy said he'd call right back and never did. I called and asked him why so many people were talking about his ads being fraudulent if he is really a bar and not a school and he started flipping out on me like I was the one illegally soliciting customers for my business disguised as a job. People online that have fallen for it say they have paid for the school and just got their money taken. This guy and others like him need to be stopped! I say boycott Craigslist jobs for a little bit!!